Brigid Firth is a young teacher who doesn’t fit into her life. Breaking the estrangement between her striving mother and her tranquil grandparents, Brigid decides spend the summer with her grandfather at Cairn Cottage in Lachland County. On this northern tip of the Peninsula, Brigid begins to uncover the kind of life she was meant to live.

Local farmer Gabe Sherland enters her life with a sailboat in his arms, and they share a spark of connection that is more intense than either of them have ever experienced. Brigid begins to question her grandfather about the mysterious Stone Society, a myth that has haunted her family throughout her life and has been rumored to control the weather and crop production for generations.

When familial tensions erupt into tragedy, Brigid must uncover the secret of the Stone Society, unmasking every truth about herself, her family, and people of the Peninsula in order to discover the biggest truth of all.

Fans of “The Mists of Avalon,” “The Notebook,” and “The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood” alike will love Covington’s “The Ripple of Stones.” Rooted in character-driven fiction and set in the present day with healthy helpings of romance, fantasy, and mystery, this book is for any reader who loves a good story.

“The Ripple of Stones” is ready for submission, and the author has all required materials ready to send.

If you are a literary agent, editor, or publisher, and are interested in hearing more, please contact the author.

I began writing my first novel in November, 2017. In the beginning, it was a true expression of my innermost thoughts of life, love, nature, relationships, and spirituality. Basically, it was a hot mess. It took me about a month to figure out that one cannot write 400 pages of metaphor and melancholy. A novel needs things like plot structure and character development and story arcs. So, I stopped for several months and took myself to our public library, checking out “How to Write a Novel for Dummies” and most of the other books on that shelf. I also dove into podcasts, blogs, any type of media that would help me answer the question: “How do I do this?”

Fast forward two years and I’ve completed my first draft of my first novel. It still has metaphor and melancholy, but it also has all of those other elements that make it readable (and hopefully, marketable…)

I’m in the editing stage now. To soften the blow of the difficult work of “killing my darlings” (author-speak for getting rid of the self-indulgent fluff and nonsense), I’d like to invite you to participate. On my blogging off-weeks, you’ll see a poll or a question. I really want to know if what I’m writing in The BOOK is readable to you, my beloved future book purchaser. Don’t have time to write a novel? Never really wanted to? Have opinions to share anyway? Please, opine away here in the comfortable, hospitable home of The BOOK.

oh, and if you are a professional or up-and-coming book cover designer, please get in touch with me because that image up there is a hot mess. I have no idea how to design a book cover and frankly, I don’t intend to learn. If cover designing is your jam, I am accepting quotes. I would love to pay another artist to help adorn my art. Mary Poppins Returns says “a cover is not the book,” which may be true, but let’s be real: A cover sells the book. Comment below with contact info and links to your work!

Blog Post: Creative Spaces, 1-15-19